My dear friends,
How are you today? I'd like to invite you on an inner journey to the heart of HUMILITY, an often underestimated but incomparably powerful virtue. In a world obsessed with recognition and success, rediscovering the beauty and power of simplicity and humility is more crucial than ever!
Let's dive straight in: let's explore the Latin root of the word 'humility', which translates as 'humilitas'. It's a notion that evokes the quality of someone who perceives themselves as humble, modest, and who doesn't place undue importance on their own prestige or successes. Imagine for a moment if each and every one of us incorporated this definition into our daily lives... Wouldn't it be a wonderful world?
For me, humility manifests itself in those moments when we choose to reach out to those in need rather than shine alone.
It is in these simple but extraordinarily powerful gestures that we discover the true greatness of the soul...
On my path to initiation, I have drawn on the teachings of Socrates and Plato, thinkers whose words have illuminated my path. Although I still have a lot to learn,
because my mind needs constant nourishment, one quote keeps coming back to me, that of Socrates: "All I know is that I know nothing". This maxim is not intended to teach us philosophy, but it does remind us of the importance of self-knowledge. It encourages us to trigger that precious hormone oxytocin, which awakens in us the feeling of belonging to a community...
Humility, my friend, is the ability to remain humble even when success smiles upon us. It's knowing our own worth while remaining aware of our limitations and our place in the world. It's a state of mind that allows us to grow and learn without ever losing sight of our humanity. It's the ability to recognise the talents and qualities of others while remaining modest about our own achievements, and to support each other.
But let's be clear: being humble does not mean weakness or submission. On the contrary, it is a strength that lifts us to new heights, freeing us from ego and pride. It's a rare quality that commands respect and admiration, because it testifies to profound wisdom and true integrity. These are values that I try to instil in my children, because, in the end, we are but specks of dust in the face of the majesty of Divine Creation! Glory to God for His perfect creation! Our aim on this earth is not to be perfect, but to be better than hiersq, and to compare ourselves with ourselves, not with others!
In our never-ending quest for success and recognition, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of modesty. Yet it's often in the simplest, most humble moments that the greatest life lessons lie. Like having a simple coffee, a simple but incredible moment to switch off... It's in humility that true greatness lies, because it's there that we find the strength to be authentic, true and generous.
By embracing humility, we adopt a new perspective on life, one that allows us to discover the beauty in every little detail, and the greatness in every human being. It's a humbling reminder that we are but fleeting travellers on this earth, and that the real wealth lies in the bonds we forge and the memories we create.
So, my dear friends, I invite you to join me in this quest to integrate humility into our daily lives.
It's a path to which I'm also committed, aware of its value and its necessity. Together, let's recognise the simple, authentic beauty of each moment, and find greatness in modesty - it's so simple, my God!
By embracing this state of mind, we plunge to the heart of the true essence of life in my sense. We discover an unsuspected depth in ordinary moments that we transform into extraordinary ones, and we rise to our best version.
With all my gratitude for your presence.