Dear friends,
You have probably noticed through my various posts my more than marked interest in Stoicism. Today, I invite you to dive with me into the depths of this ancient philosophy which, although born centuries ago, continues to offer timeless advice to enlighten our contemporary lives!
In this adventure, I invite you to discover the five great inspirations taken from the book "Thoughts for Myself" by Marcus Aurelius. Isn't it incredible to think that beings existed millennia ago ? dedicated to guiding us in our quest for self-knowledge? So, my friends, welcome to this journey where ancient wisdom merges with modernity, where Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, becomes our guide. Without further ado, let's delve into the heart of the matter!
Let's explore the ethymology of the word 'Stoicism' to enrich our general knowledge! According to the Larousse dictionary, it has its roots in the ancient Greek 'stoá', meaning 'porch' or 'colonnade'. I'd like to share with you a fascinating anecdote about why the word porshe is used and why the first Stoic philosophers used to meet in a red portico in Athens...
To put it simply, stoicism could be compared to a school of 'brain superheroes', an expression I love and which perfectly sums up my discovery during my research for this blog.
Let's continue our exploration. Stoicism is essentially a philosophy in which people learn to maintain their well-being even in the face of sad or difficult situations. Stoics seek to control their emotions, whether anger or sadness, in order to remain calm and happy inside. In fact, Stoicism is a veritable lifeline, not only offering answers to life's challenges, but also proposing a way of life that leads to inner peace and resilience... Hence the importance of getting to know oneself and making this inner journey...
Now let's talk about Marcus Aurelius' 'Thoughts for Myself', a work that I consider to be an intimate collection of reflections and teachings, revealing treasures of wisdom that are still relevant today. Ready to delve into these fundamental inspirations that have the power to transform our lives? Make yourself comfortable, grab your coffee or tea, and get yourself a pen and paper, because I'm proposing an exercise that could well reveal shards of wisdom that you can incorporate into your everyday life. Are you ready?
Here's what I've taken from the book in 5 points:
1-The meaning of life:
Let's ask ourselves about the meaning of life with this extract from the book: "Every being has its destination, like the horse, the vine. Does that surprise you? The sun too," he says, "is made for a purpose. And why were you created? To enjoy? See if this thought is sustainable. This timeless question brings us back to basics. If money and time were not constraints, what aspirations would you pursue? What are your natural talents, and how could you share them with the world? We didn't come to earth just to eat and sleep, did we? Take the time to think about these questions, and imagine sowing the seeds that will guide you towards a fulfilling life, in harmony with your raison d'être. And envisage a world where everyone cultivates their destiny for a life full of meaning! always for a better world...
2-The Present Moment,here's another passage :
Let's immerse ourselves in the wisdom of the present moment with these inspiring words : "The man with the most years and the one who will die the earliest make the same loss, because it is of the present moment alone that we must be deprived, since it is the only one we possess, and we cannot lose what we do not have. Everyone lives only in the present, that infinitely small present. The rest has either already happened or is uncertain. If all of humanity could connect more to the present moment, it would be a miracle, wouldn't it? But on a small scale, let's make it part of our daily lives, whether it's through an activity we enjoy, practising sport, or meditating in other posts if you're curious, I'll talk about that too... In my opinion, everyone has their own interpretation of happiness, but for me happiness, 100% guaranteed, or your money back, is to be found in full awareness of the present moment, according to the Stoic teachings and I would also add in the simple things in life!
3-Build these Qualities Marcus Aurelius,
A true architect of the soul, gives us a stimulating challenge: to build within ourselves qualities that depend entirely on our will. Yes, like sincerity, endurance, acceptance of destiny, moderation in desires, benevolence, freedom, simplicity, seriousness in speech, greatness of soul... My God, these are jewels of character that can be polished with determination by conscious action on a daily basis! Let's not forget, according to Marcus Aurelius, that it's a fault not to practise becoming the best version of yourself. So, my friend, let's put in place daily actions that bring out our sincerity, our kindness, our moderation and our simplicity. We can, and above all we must, for a fairer world... I know I'm utopian, but I believe in it!
4- What Are You Thinking? :
The idea is to get used to having only thoughts that you could answer instantly and frankly if someone asked you: what are you thinking? The idea is for everything in you to be simple, benevolent, worthy of a sociable being, and indifferent to the images generated by pleasure, jealousy, envy and distrust.... So, what's on your mind right now? 😛
5- Get a grip immediately :
Stoic philosophy teaches us to quickly refocus on ourselves in the event of a difficult or challenging situation.
That's where our strength lies, our ability to bounce back instantly - I've learnt a lot from this philosophy! I've adopted an anti-blues strategy, a regenerating activity to get my spirits back up, and sport helps me a lot, so I suggest you run, sweat, listen to upbeat music, dance, sing, do whatever makes you feel good, but choose something that will get you back on your feet instantly!
These ideas are not simply precepts to meditate on, but invitations to integrate them into our daily lives. I know this may sound profound, but I assure you that since I first understood this concept, it has evolved within me over the long term, shaped by life's trials and challenges!
My friends, let's stay connected, always ready to explore, reflect, grow personally and cultivate peace of mind.
With bravery,
Moon, 🌙